Maharaja Agrasen Public School, a CBSE affiliated senior secondary school committed to academic excellence, acquisition of knowledge, personality development, career orientation and 21
Symbolising the dreams of a man who dared to start a school with a definitive difference Maharaja Agrasen Public School stands for learning that promotes individuality, confidence, and a winning attitude.
The school management, Staff of the school, all students, the parents of our students and friends see the benefit of these values and have belief in the high standards of behavior, personal responsibility and integrity which is expected of everyone at the School.
Instilling Values of Trust, Respect, and Integrity is a Priority for all in the School
The school motto is “I Learn • I Do • I Excel”
This symbolizes the power of learning which enables the students to do what he/she loves to do and thus excel in life. The goal of excellence is experience and the child that does learn and the child that learns while doing excels.
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Students learn by actively engaging in the learning process, which involves information acquisition, processing, application to circumstances, and communication of what they have learned.
Club activities support students' academics and provide them the life skills they need on a daily basis. The school sponsors a wide range of club activities that provide the students a platform to showcase their skills.
With the help of our specialised counselling sessions, we make sure that every kid is inspired and assisted in realising their ambition. Our counsellors are well-trained to help kids feel comfortable contacting them.
We integrate technology into the curriculum to better educate our students for a world that is always evolving. Unique teaching techniques to foster students' inherent talent and encourage academic success.
Our cutting-edge mathematics lab provides 21st-century learners with activity-based learning tools and fosters a demanding environment for students to refine their mathematical abilities and improve their analytical and critical thinking.
We believe that a supportive learning environment helps students succeed more often and achieve better learning outcomes. We provide our students the tools they need to adapt and flourish while pursuing their holistic growth in the most interesting way possible.
We uphold the values of community and "Service Before Self," and our purpose is to encourage our students to recognise and define their potential..
Our goal is to prepare our students for life by expanding their horizons so that their world encompasses the whole of mankind.